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For the bookbinding online shop

Payment by Payment in advance

Please note that when paying by bank transfer

It may take up to 3 working days for your payment to reach our account. We ship the goods immediately after payment received.


EmReceiver: Susanne Ziems

Pure Volksbank

IBAN DE63 6619 0000 0029 4879 44




Your payment will be credited to us as the seller immediately. To pay with PayPal you need a PayPal account. Further information at

Credit card

You can pay with VISA or MasterCard. If you pay by credit card, we will receive your payment immediately and can begin processing your order immediately. When ordering, we need the card number, the validity and the check number of the card.


Cash on pickup

Alternatively, you can also do this when ordering From the payment options mentioned above, choose the option to pick up in the shop and pay on site. You will in turn receive an email notification as soon as your order is ready for pickup. This is possible at flexible times of the day by prior arrangement.

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